orchidlinda at rtmc.net
We are open Friday and Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm. Please call to schedule an appointment if you need to visit any other day.
Your Orchid Growers in North Carolina. A US Farm.
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Seagrove Orchids Select Cattleya Divisions-Excellent Orchids
Classic Cattleyas and Others
(Currently offering Ascocenda, Cattleya, Brassavola, Bulbophyllum, Dendrobium, Laelia, Paphiopedilum, and Phragmipedium )
We repot and divide orchids rarely. To ensure your growing success, we mainly offer divisions that are established and we accurately describe the number of pseudobulbs or growths offered. Bare root divsions are offered from time to time. These divisions are extremely limited and most are only available every three to five years. Please do not ask for smaller divisions than those offered. All divisions are bloom size and should flower on their next mature growth. Sorry, but no discounts are offered on Seagrove Orchids Division Listing.
These are not breeding stock divisions. Once we obtain a plant, it is divided into two parts. One part for breeding and one for growing. None of the divisions offered have ever been used as a pod bearing parent in our breeding program. All divisions are accurately described and growing nicely.
Why do we only sell established divisions or established mounts? We want you to succeed with your new Seagrove Orchid. These orchids are very special to me and I want divisions of them to grow well for you and continue to do so for many years.
Emily Siegerist 'Seagrove'
A very dark form!
Super nice shape and color for this (Elizabeth Ann x lasiochilum) hybird.
(3 available in 5 inch round pots).
Bloom Size $35.00
rothschildianum 'Seagrove Low Tide' AM/AOS
Established and ready
to grow for you original divisions of our awarded Bulbophyllum rothschildianum.
Prolific grower and show stopper when in flower. A very nice form of B. rothschildianum
with beautiful rich color and full flower segments.
Another super fine example
of this easy to grow orchid species.
This particular plant was awarded in November of 2012. Largest divisions will
be selected for purchasers first. All are potted in terrrestrial orchid mix
in plastic pots. $50.00 Sold OUT
aurantiaca 'Miami' CBM/AOS Awarded January 1965.
This is the first yellow
Cattleya aurantiaca (Guarianthe) awarded by the American Orchid Society. Flowers
are golden yellow with intricate red veining in lip interior. Several divisions
available. Price range from $125 to $200 On Hold for repotting.
intermedia 'Pine Knot'
Established bloom size 6 psuedobulb division.
(blooms very similar to photo)
walkeriana 'Manhattan Blue'
Established divisions
taken off our large display plant. Nicely grown bloom size potted plants.
Each plant has three or more pseudobulbs. Choice! $50.00
clavitor 'Seagrove Friendships' CCM/AOS
These are bloom size keikes potted in 4 inch pots of the award winning Dendrobium species clavitor. Native to Thailand and Malaysia. Grow warm and bright. Easy and very rewarding. This species has the broom stick growth habit with swollen bases of pseudobulbs. $25.00 for potted or mounted, established bloom size keikes.
Phragmipedium Indolina Rubyfire
'Flannery Fork' Registered
by Mark Rose of Breckinridge Orchids in 1999. (Phrag Calurum x Memoria Dick
Clements) First division we have ever offered of this glowing red orange beauty.
Multiple fan growth original division.
Schroederae 'Kepley Rose' AM/AOS
Original Division Awarded July 2005. Multiple fan divisions of this
spectacular Schroederae are offered. Seems to be constantly in bloom. Photo
used with permission of AOS photographer James Harris. When awarded blooms
were 11 cm across by 9 cm tall. Pink and white sequential blooming showstopper!
This is a beautiful orchid! SOLD OUT
Sorcerer's Apprentice 'Spirit' AM/AOS
Original Division
Awarded an AM/AOS in July 2003. Easy to grow original division! Towering flower
stems produce green flowers highlighted by red in the pouch and the petals.
Sequentially blooming stems produce flowers for months and months. Hybrid
is (Phrag longifolium x Phrag sargentianum) photo used with permission of
AOS photographer James Harris. Minimum of two fans per division. (2) offered
at $60.00, wait listing
View our other offerings.
Your orchid growers in North Carolina!
Thank you for supporting your United States orchid grower.
We are open Friday and Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm , Sunday visits can be arranged by appointment.