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Phalaenopsis, Vandas and Ascocendas
Seagrove Orchids, 336-879-6677- orchidlinda at
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Page updated 10/10/2024
Select KEIKES are also featured on the stem prop page!!
Phalaenopsis Clones , Phalaenopsis Seedlings, Species, Neofinetia, Renanthera, Ascocentrum, Ascocenda, and Vanda Orchids.
Phalaenopsis Hybrids and Species Offerings
The inventory of Phals changes very quickly in our greenhouse. New exciting things can be seen everyday in the greenhouse and it is impossible for me to keep up with them on the web site, so if in doubt or have a special request, please inquire. Note that the use of the genus name Doritis and it's hybrids, Doritaenopsis is no longer valid although you can still find it's use in current references. Doritis is now Phalaenopsis. When available, spiking plants will be chosen to fill your orchid order!
Vandachostylis (Neostylis)
Lou Sneary 'Bluebird'
A compact growing Vandaceous type orchid. Parents are (Vanda falcata x Rhynchostylis coelestis) Vanda falcata formerly Neofinetia. This charming very fragrant orchid is easy to grow. Provide bright shade and year round water. Temperature tolerant. We grow this orchid from 55 to 96 degrees. Bloom size.
Bloom size $40.00
Phalaenopsis amboinensis
'Nicole' AM/AOS x self
Clones of the awarded Phal amboinensis 'Nicole'. Grow warm, with medium shade and provide year round moisture. Fragrant blooms are produced on evergreen stems that can rebloom for years. Do not remove flower stems unless they brown on their own. Blooms best described as arctic white with heavy barring on all segments including lip in glowing red, flower center and staminode bright white. Long lasting blooms are nicely fragrant.
Bloom Size $35.00
Phalaenopsis cornu cervi
var vini color "Wan-Kou'
Rewarding species that produces long lasting glossy wine colored blooms that alternate on ric rak type stems. Blooms are produced in between the alternating crevices. See photo above. A lowland grower in SE Asia, so warm temperatures are appreciated by this species. Allow to become slightly moist prior to watering thoroughly again. Do not remove flower stems as they are evergreen and produce blooms for years.
Bloom size $40.00
Phalaenopsis Samera( Phal violacea var indigo x Phal bellina coerulea)
No photo of blooms available. Very limited. Beautiful plants
Bloom Size $40
Phal Tropical Ocelot
Bloom size plants offered of this party explosion of spots and speckles. Great growing in medium shade. Plants produce branching flower stems and thus produce many flowers. Allow to become just moist prior to waterings. For all Phalaenopsis, grow in temperatures above 60 degree F. for strong growth. Named for one of the most beautiful of our medium sized spotted wild cats of the world. Limited now in the greenhouse.
Bloom Size $30
Phalaenopsis violacea
var indigo
Indigo form of the sweetly scented warm growing Phalaenopsis species native to Sumatra. Exciting color form. Plants are the HP Norton strain. Blooms are long lasting and borne on evergreen stems. As with Phal bellina do not remove while viable. Grow more shady than most Phalaenopsis and provide year round moisture. Considered a warm grower. Leaves are glossy/shiny. Bloom size gorgeous plants available. Photos show bloom quality and the offerings currently ready for shipping. Very limited.
Bloom Size $40.00
My best way to describe the production of Phalaenopsis. So many of your ask me over the phone to explain seedlings, mericlones, and stem props. This is very simplified for your general information. If you would like greater detail, please consult with a commercial cloning lab.
A seedling is produced by pollinating an Phallie orchid flower with itself or by crossing it to another Phalaenopsis or Phalaenopsis allied genus. A seed pod is formed, seed ripens and it is sowed in a sterile environment and placed on nutrients typically in sterilized bottles or jars.
A mericlone is produced under sterile environments in a laboratory. Phalaenopsis plant tissue is subjected to replicating chemicals and nutrients. Many orchid plants can be produced from this original Phalaenopsis plant tissue. The more orchid plants that are produced from this tissue the more chances you have for slight changes and aberrations. Mericlones are not considered exact duplicates of the original cloned mother plant by many orchid collectors. Sometimes Phalaenopsis orchid plants that are supposed to be clones can have slight obvious differences. Other times, extreme differences.
Stem Prop process is the duplication of the mother plant by using the individual nodes that are formed up and down the flower stem (inflorescence). Each node is excised from the stem, isolated, sterilized and planted into sterile containers that contain a very dilute mixture of replicating chemicals and nutrients. Each node can produce one duplicate plantlet of the original stem mother orchid plant. These individual plants produced from individual nodes, are considered exact duplicates of the Phalaenopsis mother orchid. If fortunate, a wonderful action can occur, multiprops can form basally from your stem prop culture. Multiprops lie somewhere between stem prop and a clone. Multiprops are considered much more exact to parent than mericlones since the duplicating mixture was very dilute. Sometimes if replicating chemical solutions are mixed too strong, death can occur to the node and no Phalaenopsis stem prop will occur.
Keike, the Hawaiian word for baby is also what the plantlets that occur on existing Phalaenopsis stems are called.
Vandaceous Plants-Rhyncostylis-Ascocentrum-Vandas
Orchid Species
Come visit us for Blue Vandas and a very large variety of Vandaceous Orchids. There is something blooming throughout every season. You can always ask if we have that special Vandaceous orchid you are seeking.
Vanda page is currently under construction. Check back for new and current listing.
Seagrove Orchids- 3451 Brower Mill Road,
Seagrove, NC 27341336-879-6677
orchidlinda at
Your orchid growers in North Carolina, US Farmers
We are open Friday and Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm. Other day visit can be arranged by appointment.
We Ship to Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa & Alaska