Seagrove Orchids- orchidlinda at

Your orchid growers in North Carolina


There is really nothing quite like a Cattleya. The Queen of the Orchids. Own a corsage Orchid.

Friday and Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm. Please call for visits to greenhouse other days to schedule an appointment.

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Page Updated 3/12//2025

Cattleya Alliance Species are at page bottom!

We offer Cattleyas/Laelia Species, Hybrids and Clones from our very own propagation lab as well as plants we obtain from far and wide. Select divisions are offered on a very limited basis, so check our Limited Division Page often for changing listings. Mini-Cats are a love for everyone and we have some on our site and more in the lab.

Cattleya species are featured after hybrids and mericlones.




Bc Air Mososa 'Mickey Mouse' (Cattleya Moscombe X Brassavola nodosa)

Easy to grow Brassavola hybrid offered. A standard splash petal Cattleya was crossed with the prolific Brassavola producing gorgeous results. Bloom coloration can vary according to bloom time and temperatures with the most color saturation occuring with cooler temperatures and grown in lower light levels. Evening fragrant. Grow in bright indirect light, allow to almost dry between waterings and keep roots tight in pots. A great candidate for mounting or basket culture. Photographs used with permission by friends Irma Saldana and Giselle Colon. (Limited)

Bloom Size mericlones offered $25.00


Bc Golden Glory ' Apollo' (Bc Richard Mueller x Cattleya tenebrosa)

One of the prettiest B nodosa progeny I have seen. Large blooms are golden yellow with highlights of persimmon orange. Lips are trumpet shaped and pleasingly colored in magenta with intense venation. Easy to grow and both parents are vigorous growers. Provide bright shaded light for best upright growths. Very limited in the greenhouse. No photo at this time.

Offerings are in 2.5 inch pots are bloom size. $30.00


Blc. Hilda Takamatsu (Cattleya Mari's Song x Brassanthe Maikai)

Interesting new hybrid. Seed parent is a loved older hybrid that produces fluffy tricolor (pink-plum-yellow) splash blooms. Seed parent, Maikai is a famous and easy to grow medium lavender nodosa shaped Cattleya type orchid with wild darker purple speckling. Both parents are fragrant. Photo features 1st bloom from seed produced population. So excited to see one bloom already. Should be night time fragrant.

2 1/2 inch pot is near bloom size $15.00 or 4 inch pots $25.00



Bc Rustic Spots (Bc Richard Muller x C Landate)

Easy to Grow! Offering 3 inch size bloom size plants of one of the more glorious Brassavola nodosa hybrids. Flowers open rich paprika color and become glowing orange with raspberry spotting throughout petals, sepals, and flower lip. Hybrid contains (25% Brassavola nodosa + 25% Cattleya guttata + 25% Cattleya milleri + Cattleya aclandiae) Becomes specimen size quickly due to the vigorous growing nature of this orchid hybrid. One of Linda's favorites!


3 inch pot is bloom size $25.00


Bc Taiwan Big Lip 'Ta-Hsin' (Bc Teradip X C bicalhoi)

Bloom Size clones of this small growing Cattleya alliance orchid. Enormous sized full round lips are dramatic with markings of dark magenta. Overall blooms medium pink that mature to softer pink. Easy to grow and bloom with medium light levels. Currently offered in 4 inch pot size. Easily adapts to mounted culture if you like growing mounted orchids. Nicely Fragrant Orchid. Cattleya bicalhoi is a synonym for Laelia dayana.


3.5 inch pot $35.00 (Bloom Size)


Blc Toshie Aoki 'Pizzaz' AM/AOS

Offered in 3.5 inch grower pots. This hybrid of (Blc. Faye Miyamoto x Blc. Waianae Flare) produced the exception clone 'Pizzaz' Clones are offered of this beautiful standard sized Cattleya. Blooms are yellow with red flaring on petals and sepals. Lip red with yellow eyes. As blooms mature, the yellow becomes a golden orange. Very nicely fragrant. Photo shows the size and quality of plants offered. Rlc Toshie Aoki 'Pizzaz' Largest plants always chosen first to meet you order.

Photo shows plants offered $50.00



Blc Williette Wong 'The Best' AM/AOS

NBS potted in 3.5 plastic pots with open bark mix. Mericlone of an awarded plant. Awarded in 1999 by The American Orchid Society, this flower is an outstanding example of what a yellow with red Cattleya type orchid should appear. This plant is descendant of the famous Toshie Aoki. If you are a hybridizer, splash petal influence is in the background. Blooms are bright yellow with crimson red lip. Large blooms of heavy substance are produced in the Summer bloomers. 1 to 2 year from bloom size. (2 in greenhouse)

3.5 inch pot (NBS) $50.00



Cattlianthe Ratsima Spot (Ctt. Varut Startrack x C. aclandiae)

If you love Bifoliate Cattleya but have height concerns in your growing environment, this is the orchid for you. Beautiful exotic spotted blooms well held above the foliage. These have been provided bright light levels in my greenhouse and are expertly grown. As for general Cattleya culture grow in bright shade. Water heavily and allow to become just slightly moist before watering again.

Bloom Size in 4 inch pot $35.00


Cattlianthe Seagrove Ocean Voyage

Be one of the first to bloom one of our NEW coerulea Cattleya hybrids. Photo of both parents featured above. Hoping for more closed petal habit, intense coerulea sepals and petals and the dark velvety coerulea lip of Cat Eximia. Photo of C Eximia graciously provided by friend Irma Saldana. (Cattleya Eximia X Cattlianthe Granier's Felicity 'Sugar Plum' Growing vigorously in bright light and warm temps provided in my greenhouses.

Bloom Size in 4 inch pot $45.00




Cattleya Summer Spots X Brassavola nodosa

Seed produced offering! Pod parent blooms fragrant lavender flowers with heavy spotting in maroon. Brassavola nodosa, night time fragrant 'The Lady of the Night Orchid' is star shaped ribbony greenish petals with a broad open white lip. Should make a terrific fragrant hybrid that is variable in coloration. Sure to be some award winners due to diversify in this cross. Featured is first bloom seedling in 2 inch pot. Green sepals and petals in this first bloom seedling feature tiny purple spotting.

2 inch size is bloom size $20.00


Cattleya Monte Elegante 'Hsin Pu' (Penny Kuroda x Interglossa)

Spectacular bifoliate clone. One that others will envy that you grow. Mature plants will produce a spiraling head of magenta and white/soft pink playful blooms, lip and petals will be splashed in heavy magenta, sepals will exhibit striking random raised magenta spots. Grow in bright shade. Linda's growing tip (resist repotting bifoliate Cattleyas unless they are in active root growth) This will become an amazing show plant at maturity. 1 to 2 years from flowering size. Fragrant Orchid.

2 inch pot $50.00



(Pot Elaine Taylor x B nodosa)

New exciting hybrid. Grows vigorous. Will bloom at very small plant size and continue to become multiple lead plants. Provide open mix for best growth or mount for frequent watering. Super cool. Hybridizers, consider this a stepping stone to mini reds with ease of growth and heat tolerance.

2 inch pot $25.00


Potinara Pop City 'NN' AM/AOS (Rhyncattleanthe) (Ctt. Tutankamen x Rlc. Chia Lin)

Stunning red blooms with terrific fragrance are produced. Plants are excellent growers. Typically spring and fall bloomers. Bloom size plant offered. Provide heavy drench and allow to become slightly moist between waterings. Grows best in bright shade. Fragrant Orchid. Temperature tolerant. Best growing temperature 55F to 85F

5 inch pot size is Bloom Size $65.00


Rhynchobrassoleya (Rby) TLDC Divine Phoenix 'Pterodactyl' SM/WOC21 ( B cucullata x Blc Bryce Canyon)

Wow spectacular color, in a unique and beautiful hybrid Vigorous growers with dark foliage displaying purple pigmentation. 3 inch pot size is near bloom size. Glowing blooms with sure fragrance. Grows well in basket, as a mount or potted. Temperature tolerant.

Near bloom size, Limited $30.00




Rcv Jimminey Cricket 'Super Bug' AM/AOS (Rhynchovola)hybrid is (Brassavola nodosa x Rhyncholaelia digbyana)

This hybrid is a stunning example of the perfect combination of both orchid species parents. We have a wide ruffled lip from this orchid hybird, large flower shape, and pleasing color. Offered are bloom size clones of the awarded 'Super Bug' clone. 'Super Bug' has an award of merrit from the American Orchid Society. Choice and easy to grow. Allow to dry between waterings. Grow cool to warm. Bright shade. Fragrant orchid

2 inch pot size $28.00


Rlc (Rhyncolaeliacattleya) Golf Green

Frilly wonder. Soft green blooms with very frilly edged petals and lips. Delicate pink accents are found throughout the petals and lip. A bold raspberry pink lip cleft is obvious centrally when grown in brighter light levels. Nicely delicious fragrance of citrus throughout the day. Provide brighter light as for Cattleya orchids in your collection.

Very Near Bloom Size in 4 inch pot $40.00


Rlc Kilauea Sunrise 'Dark Splash'

If you love splash petal Cattleyas, I think you'll find this one an outstanding example of beauty. Well grown plants are offered in 5 inch pots. Nicest and largest plants always chosen first for our customers. If I see a sheath I'll also choose that one for you. Colors best described as peachy on the sepals, crimson on the petals and lemon yellow splash highlight on petals and inside the ruffled lip. Blooms have heavy substance with long lasting qualities. Grow bright as for your other Cattleyas type orchids and provide year round moisture. Nice fragrance.

Bloom Size $50.00

Rlc (Rhyncolaeliacattleya) Mahina Yahiro 'Julie' AM/AOS (Rlc Meditation x Donna Kimura)

Large pastel pink blooms with large frilly lips are produced in a cluster of blooms. Can bloom two time per year in the Spring and Fall. Fragrance is delicious. Blooms are heavy substance and relatively long lasting. Grow in bright indirect light for best strong growths. Allow plants to dry between waterings. Lovely Cattleya Type Orchid.

NBS to Bloom Size 4 inch pot $40.00


Rlc Mitsuo Akatsuka 'Volcano Queen' (Rlc. Ikuko Akatsuka x Rlc. Fred Stewart)

If you like fragrant Cattleya, this is a perfect choice. Large frilly magenta blooms with darker purple lips are produced on sturdy plants. Lip interior shows the golden yellow veining that is so appealing. Grow in bright shade. If growing in the home a southeast or southwest exposure window should give you the light you need for strong bloomings. Allow to become slightly moist between thorough waterings.

Bloom Size in 4 inch pot $35.00


Rlc Pamela Shells Volcano Delight 'Volcano Queen'

Yummy! Crisp large white blooms with outstanding semi alba qualities. Gentle flaring is obvious on each sepal and on the overlapping petals. Blooms exhibit heavy substance and last a long time in my greenhouses. Easy to grow and bloom. Bloom size plants are offered. Grow in bright shade. Water heavily and allow to become just slightly moist before watering again.

Bloom Size $50.00




Rlc. Pattra Delight (Rhyncholaeliocattleya Arom Gold � Rhyncholaeliocattleya Chunyeah)

This yellow Cattleya type orchid packs a big punch for color and wow factor. Both parents heavily influenced for bright yellow to gold flowers with red lip. Lip interior should be heavily marked with yellow accents and veining. Superior substance blooms are produced with yummy fragrance. Standard size Cattleya blooms. Bloom size plants are offered. Grow in bright shade. Water heavily and allow to become just slightly moist before watering again. Sturdy growers.

Bloom Size in 4.5 inch pot $40.00


Rl Pink Empress 'Ju Sen' AM/AOS

Large blooms are vibrant clear medium pink. Heavy substance and excellent form are just a couple of outstanding qualities of this deliciously fragrant giant. Column is pleasantly pink. Bloom size plants are offered. Grow in bright shade. Water heavily and allow to become just slightly moist before watering again. Sturdy growers.

Bloom Size $50.00




Rlc Sachi Kyoko 'Volcano Red'

Wow Factor! These beautifully grown orchid plants produce glowing red large blooms of long lasting substance. Interior lip highlight include shades of darker red going to burgundy shades with striking gold veining. Another wonderful thing about this glowing red flower is that the column is magenta. Fragrance spicy and delicious. Grow in bright shade. Water heavily and allow to become just slightly moist before watering again.

Bloom size $50.00



Rlc Star of Siam (Rlc Pattaya Magic x C Tainan City)

These are clones in 2 inch pot. Very sought after Cattleya type orchid. Blooms are tangerine orange, full lips are ruffled at edges, lip interior is golden yellow, edged in cerise. Flower contrast is spectacular. Grow Cattleya type orchids in Bright filtered light for best growth rate, allow to become slightly moist between waterings.

2 inch pot $25


Rlc (Rhyncolaeliacattleya)Sung Ya Green 'Mailman

Pure green beauty. I almost wrote, Pure Green Orchid Giant since the flowers are so large. Large beautifully grown plants offered of this spectacular Ports of Paradise progeny. Blooms are citrus like fragrant with heavy substance. When grown in brighter light the grower can often coax a red tint to appear at sepal, petal, and lip distal portions. Just gorgeous. Very long lasting blooms. (Ports of Paradise x Meadow Morn)

4 inch pots are bloom size $35.00


Rlc Taeko Tamamki 'Volcano Empress'

Velvety red blooms of good size and excellent form are well held above the foliage on this Cattleya type hybrid. Fragrant of spicy goodness. Limited. Grow in bright shade as for Cattleya culture. Water heavily and allow to become just slightly moist before watering again.

Bloom Size 5 inch pots $50.00



Rlc Volcano Peaceful 'Volcano Queen'

Another beautiful Cattleya type offering with excellent form and flower shape. Blooms glow in shades of vibrant magenta. Fragrant blooms feature a lip with canary yellow interior. Just gorgeous. Fragrance is a combination of spicy and floral. A great addition to any orchid collection. Grow in bright shade. Water heavily and allow to become just slightly moist before watering again.

Bloom Size 5 inch pot size $50.00

Rlc Water Song 'Ching Hua' x Rlc Waianae Leopard 'Ching Hua'

You can expect tall bifoliate growth habit with heads of thick substance long lasting blooms in vibrant coloration of soft peach to magenta with heavy spotting. Blooms will be pleasingly fragrant. Offering are currently growing in 2.5 inch pot size with plants bursting with new growth. This is a must have orchid. Prices will increase with repotting.

2.5 inch pot size is near bloom size $30.00



Rlc Yingluck Smile 'New Day' (Rhyncholaeliocattleya Liu's Joyance � Rhyncholaeliocattleya Williette Wong Yen)

Another golden yellow Cattleya offering. Blooms are heavy substance, large, and nicely fragrant. Petals and sepals are flared in crimson red, lip is crimson red, yellow centrally. Grow in bright shade and allow to become moist between waterings. Largest plants selection for you first. Budded or sheath also sent first. Lip interior color variations can occur with heat.

4.5 inch to 5 inch pot size $32.00


Rlc Yuan Dung Python 'Happy Rui'

Bifoliate satisfaction. Offered mericlones of Yung Dune Python. The clone 'Happy Rui' produces bright green blooms heavily decorated in maroon spots. The lip is bright fuchsia. Very fragrant blooms are head on upright stems. Super easy to grow with bright light, partial shade and a wet/dry watering routine. Repotting for bifoliates should only be done when orchid is in active root growth. Bright light levels will have your leaves producing glowing fuchsia highlights and spotting. Very attractive. Plants should bloom in one to two years with partial shade growing conditions.

2 inch pot bifoliate --$60.00


Rlc Yuki Akatsuka 'Volcano Gold'

Well grown bloom size orchid plants. Large heavy substance blooms are golden yellow with frilled lip. Lip edging and interior veining red orange. Blooms are beautiful and the terrific fragrance is a pleasant bonus. Grow bright as for other Cattleya type orchids and provide year round moisture.

Bloom Size 5 inch pot $ 50.00


Rth Air Dream 'Pretty Girl' (Cattleya Lucky Chance and Rlc. Big Dream)

Miniature growth habit. Soft yellow blooms with golden yellow flares. Lip suffused with red/pink. Easy to grow with a height around 8 inches. These are big full plants in 4 inch pot. Very Limited at Seagrove Orchids

Bloom Size $35.00

Rth (Rhyncattleanthe) Fu Shu Glory 'Happy Holiday'

Our favorite orchid firework. Bright white Cattleya type blooms are decorated in canary yellow flares on sepals and petals. Lip and petal tips are highlighted in cherry red. Lip interior coloration is golden yellow. Clusters of blooms are well held above plant foliage providing a spectacular display. (Rth. Varut Feastful x Ctt. Kauai Starbright)

Very near bloom Size $55.00




CATTLEYA Alliance Species Orchids


Anacheilium radiata (Prosthechea-Encyclia radiata)
Smells likes baking snickerdoodle cookies. Super easy to grow in medium light levels. Waxy blooms are long lasting. Water with a drench and allow to become moist prior to watering again for plump psuedobulbs. While visiting Longwood Gardens in Kennet Square, PA I detected a smell that I had to investigate. The amazing smell was a Encyclia radiata in bloom. I still have the same excitement when this beautiful orchid smells so wonderful in Seagrove Orchids' greenhouses. Too bad it can't bloom all the time. Photograph is of our awarded Encyclia radiata ' Barbara Noe's Seagrove Birthday' Plant photo shows the size and quality of our current offerings.

Bloom Size 4 inch pots are offered $ 30.00




Brassavola cucullata

Found in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, French Guiana, Surinam, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia and Peru of coastal rainforests as a warm to cool grower. Found growing on trees and rocks in nature. Provide medium to bright light and allow to dry between waterings. Beautiful pendant foliage drapes below growing center. Foliage thin and terete in lengths around 15 inches long, blooms range in colors from yellow orange to pure white, season and temperature do play a role in coloration. Flower shape is dramatic with long hanging petals and sepals, lip is long as well with a spear pointed apex. This orchid species is free flowering throughout the year. Potted in 3 inch mesh baskets. Night Time Fragrant. Brassavola cucullata for sale.

Bloom Size! 3 inch mesh baskets that allow for quick drainage. $35


Brassavola nodosa

'The Lady of the Night Orchid' Easy growers. Provide medium to bright light and allow to mainly dry between waterings. Terete foliage makes this orchid interesting even when not producing night time fragrant citrus smelling blossoms. Widespread distribution in Central and South America. Free flowering but blooms are primarily produced in spring, summer, and fall. Easily grown in pot or on a mount. Considered a warm to hot grower. Sepals and petals are produced in varying shades of soft green and the big bright white lip is heart shaped. Flowers are long lasting. Our Brassavola nodosa offerings are grown in 3 inch mesh baskets. Near bloom size. Quickly adapt to mounted culture. Perfect for beginners. Bloom Size.
2 inch pots are bloom size. $25




Cattleya aclandiae

Native to a rather dry low elevation area in Bahia Brazil. Bright light will decorate the levels in beautiful pink/magenta spotting. Provide a wet to dry watering habit. These are potted in 4 inch pots. Can easily be converted to mount culture. Blooms are waxy (long lasting) and very nicely fragrant.

Bloom Size $35.00


Cattleya dowiana 'Net Dream' (aurea form)

Beautiful orchid species native to Costa Rica and Panama that prefers warmer temps. Maintain temps above 60 degrees are preferred for this warm growing species. Highly collectable. As with other aurea color forms of Cattleya type orchids, Aurea and Alba color forms tend to appreciate slightly less light than standard Cattleya types so provide slightly shadier light conditions for best growth. Blooms glow in bright lemon yellow with striking color contrast of bright gold colored lip rimmed in cherry red and decorated with red veining inside the lip interior. Perfect. A must have orchid. Fragrance is a combination of spicy and floral. Again, grow in bright shade. Water heavily and allow to become just slightly moist before watering again. Estimate two years from bloom size.

3 inch pot $ 60.00




Cattleya schofieldiana

Not often seen offered Cattleya schoefieldiana. Native to Brazil, these plants are produced from seed. Currently growing vigorously in 2 inch pots. As with all bifoliate Cattleya do not repot unless showing active root growth. Provide bright shade and allow to become slightly moist between waterings. Speckled blooms can reach sizes of 12 cm across. Background color of flowers range from chocolate brown to medium green. Lip is magenta. This becomes a large majestic plant with bloom count increasing with plant age. Desired by many.

4 inch pot $40



Cattleya walkeriana semi alba x semi alba

Desirable color form of the fragrant Cattleya walkeriana. Common name is Walker's Cattleya. Names for an English orchid collector in Brazil 1800's. Grow warm and moist. Unlike the common variety that is medium purple, this variety holds white blooms with purple to red lips. Because these are seed produced, variations will occur. Native to Minas Gerais, Esperito Santo and San paulo states on Brazil. Grows as both epiphyte and lithophyte in nature. Fragrant. These are growing nicely. Expertly grown.

Bloom Size: 4 inch pot size $40.00



Cattleya type orchids are easy to grow as long as a few general requirements are met. Keep temperatures above 55 degrees for year round growing. Cattleyas can be grown at less temperatures but will not grow as fast during the winter with lower temperatures. Most often Cattleya blooms are wonderfully fragrant! Light levels required for good growth are strong and indirect. Some direct morning sun can benefit that the new growths grow strong and upright. To water effectively, totally saturate you growing medium and allow to become slightly moist. Once slightly moist, water thoroughly again. Fertilizer can be a top dressing applied semi annually or a water soluble weak solution applied monthly or so. I feel that adequate light is far more important that fertilizer. Whatever fertilizer method you choose, make sure it is diluted, balanced, and applied on a regular basis. Fertilize monthly during the winter months and twice a month during the summer should work for any Cattleya collection. I feature the Cattleya culture sheet from the American Orchids Society and it makes a wonderful guideline for growing Cattleyas. Most of all enjoy growing your Cattleyas and be rewarded with those beautiful fragrant blooms.

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