Seagrove Orchids -Orchid Growers in North Carolina

orchidlinda at rtmc.net


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Ordering Information

Updated 2/27/25

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Our inventory of easy to grow Intergeneric Oncidiums changes very quickly. We try hard to keep our webpages up to date. Send an email or phone us with your orchid orders. You will never be disappointed with the size or quality of my plants! Orders will always be filled with spike/bud/blooming plants as stock and season permits.



Bllra Big Shot 'Pink Leopard'

Wow!! Excellent patterns on wide star shaped blossoms. Flower color best described as soft pink blooms heavily suffused in concentric raspberry red bars and spots. Easy to grow in bright filtered light. Upright flower stems produce blooms twice a year in our warm Seagrove NC greenhouse. As always spiking orchids always chosen first for all our web orders.

Beautifully Grown Plants/ Bloom Size $25.00 SOLD OUT


Bllra Marfitch 'Howard's Dream (Aliceara)

American Orchid Society awarded clones offered of this beloved orchid favorite. This was one of the first orchids I owned and always won a ribbon at the show. Blooms are dark royal purple with white speckles becoming white at flower center at column. A yellow central crest truly highlights these flowers beautifully. One to two flower stems are produced with each blooming. Multiple blooms are produced per each stem. Grow in bright shade for two times a year flowering. Easy orchid to grow. With watering I recommend a thorough soaking once a week while growing in 4 inch pot size. Lots of name changes have been occurring in the Oncidium intergenerics catagories. Beallara has been changed to Aliceara. Aliceara Marfitch 'Howards Dream' = (Brat Charles M Fitch x Onc Fremar) Recommended for all orchid growers of all levels of growing experience. Spiking or budded plants always selected first. Blooms two times per year. Very limited

Bloom Size $35.00




Bnfd Gilded Tower 'Mystic Maze'

Banfieldara (Ada x Brassia x Odontoglossum) 10-20 Spider Orchids are held on upright stems. Spider shaped blooms are green and brown. The big, broad yellow lip presents a crazing combination of red stripes and spots. Exotic looking orchid. Easy to grow in warm temperatures, medium light with even moisture. An orchid that is easily managed on windowsill, sunporch or greenhouse. Spring to Summer bloomers. Spiking orchid plants chosen first for our customers. Very limited.

$35.00 Love it!


Burr Sunkissed 'Butter Cup'

Yes for sure cheery Buttercup golden yellow blooms. Another easy to grow Oncidium intergeneric hybrid offering. Keep moist between waterings and provide Phalaenopsis type light (bright shade) for best growth. Long lasting blooms can occur twice annually. Burrageara is an intergeneric hybrid between Cochlioda, Miltonia, Odontoglossum, and Oncidium. Synonym Genus Name: Oncostelopsis. A good beginner choice. Spiking or budded plants always selected first to fill orchid orders.



Oip Crimson Pride (Oip Pacific Waters x Onc Petite Shine)

A beautiful combination of orange tones from soft cantaloupe to medium paprika orange. Staminode capped in bright white as well as bright white edging of all flower segments including the ruffled lip edge. Plants remain manageable in size due to the Miltoniopsis influence. Thriving in our North Carolina heat with long lasting blooms. Sweet soft fragrance during the warm times of the day. Really nice!! Bloomed in March and now sending up new stems November, Two time a year blomer

Bloom Size in 3.5 inch pot $25 Temp SOLD OUT




Onc Lemon Heart 'SD1' Seagrove Orchids

4 inch pot size producing bloom stems now. (3-30-22) Cheerful dancing lady blooms are produced in profusion on strong upright stems. Braching habit of the stems makes an outstanding presentation of chrome yellow blooms. Easy to grow with medium light and even moisture. Spring/Summer bloomers. Double stem plants will be chosen for customers first. An orchid that is easily managed on windowsill, sunporch or greenhouse. Gorgeous cheerful blooms. Perfect example of your dancing lady orchid.

Mature Bloom Size in 4 inch pot $30.00



Oncidium Speckled Spire 'Snowflake'

Towering fragrant blooms of white with marking on petals and sepals of Indian red. Lip interior same splash of Indian red with raised white keels. Grow warm with even moisture throughout the year. Prefers medium light levels. I love the soft powder like smell. Spiking / budded plants always chosen first to fill all web orders. Easy orchid.

Mature blooming size plants in 4 inch pots. $35.00



Ons Red Silk (Oncostele Red Silk 'HOF'

Blooms glisten with silky like sheen on this intergeneric hybrid. Flowers best described as glowing red/crimson Plants are vigorous and well grown. Fall bloomer. Allow to dry slightly between waterings and provide medium light levels (partial shade). Some are currently producing buds. 4 inch pot plants are bloom size. Blooms twice a year for me. Mature Bloom Size $35.00 Very Limited


Onc Sweet Sugar 'Lemon Drop'

One of the top orchids we recommend for ease of growth, strong flower stems, and twice a year blooming. In fact, I think it is one of the top 10 easiest orchids to grow. Brilliant long lasting yellow blooms produced on sturdy stems that brighten the day. Allow to become slightly moist between waterings. As always spiking or budded plants will be chosen first for our customer orders. The clone Lemon Drop has shown outstanding qualities as an excellent grower. Easy orchid. Typical bloom season Spring and Fall. Some spikes showing now Feb 2025

4 inch pots offered are bloom size $30.00


Oncostele (Colmanara ) Wildcat 'Golden Red Star'

This is an intergeneric hybrid consisting of Miltonia, Odontoglossum, and Oncidium. Vigorous plants that put other orchids to the test with blooming. Tall stems produce branching with an abundance of yellow, red, and burgundy blooms. Can bloom twice a year. Temperature tolerant from warm to cool. Easy to grow with medium light levels and slightly moist orchid culture. Keep in tight pot culture for best stems. Flower stems are in production now. Double stems will be shipped to customers first. Big beefy fat pseudobulbs make this plant a favorite for all who visit Seagrove Orchids. An orchid that is easily managed on windowsill, sunporch or greenhouse. Frequent Bloomers

Bloom size -4 inch pots $35.00


Oncostele (Colmanara) Wildcat 'Yellow King'

This is an intergeneric hybrid consisting of Miltonia, Odontoglossum, and Oncidium. Vigorous plants that put other orchids to the test with blooming. Tall stems produce branching with an abundance of yellow, red, and burgundy blooms. Can bloom twice a year. Temperature tolerant from warm to cool. Easy to grow with medium light levels and slightly moist orchid culture. Keep in tight pot culture for best stems. Flower stems are in production now. Double stems will be shipped to customers first. Big beefy fat pseudobulbs make this plant a favorite for all who visit Seagrove Orchids. An orchid that is easily managed on windowsill, sunporch or greenhouse. Frequent Bloomers

4 inch pots $35.00



Psychopsis Mariposa (Psychopsis papilio x Psychopsis Kalihi)

New crop of 3 inch pot Butterfly orchids. Bloom size just smaller leaf spans than the clone "Green Valley' offered below. Blooms bounce on tall upright stems. Grow in warm temps with good air movement. Psychopsis are unusual that they can bloom for years on the same flower stem. Stems are evergreen so do not remove stems like you would for most orchids. Even if a stem is accidentally broken/damaged leave it in place as it can easily send up a branch that will produce blooms. No other orchid is quite as dreamy as a 4 inch pot of Butterfly Orchid holding multiple stems of these bouncing flowers. Each bloom lasts around 3 weeks with another flower being produced from the same stem shortly after. Recommended root systems remain tight in pots. We grow these in bright filtered light levels with thorough watering and then watering again when plants are just slightly moist. Reduce watering in the winter. Blooms best described as golden yellow with heavy barring around the lip and throughout the petals, upright sepals are suffused in dark Indian red. The upright sepals give this orchid it's butterfly appearance as they are likened to butterfly antennae. Others refer this this type of orchid as the giraffe because of coloring.

Bloom Size $40.00

Psychopsis Mariposa 'Green Valley' (Butterfly Orchid)

Grow in warm temps with good air movement. Psychopsis are unusual that they can bloom for years on the same flower stem. Stems are evergreen so do not remove stems like you would for most orchids. Even if a stem is accidentally broken/damaged leave it in place as it can easily send up a branch that will produce blooms. No other orchid is quite as dreamy as a 4 inch pot of Butterfly Orchid holding multiple stems of these bouncing flowers. Each bloom lasts around 3 weeks with another flower being produced from the same stem shortly after. Recommended root systems remain tight in pots. Repot seldom with care to not disturb roots, only repot when mix has become broken down or stale. We grow these in bright filtered light levels with thorough watering and then watering again when plants are just slightly moist. Reduce watering in the winter. Blooms best described as golden yellow with heavy barring around the lip and throughout the petals, upright sepals are suffused in dark Indian red. The upright sepals give this orchid it's butterfly appearance as they are likened to butterfly antennae.

Mature/Bloom Size $30.00




Trichocentrum albo-coccineum

A miniature sized, hot to warm growing Oncidium alliance epiphyte from Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil in wet tropical rain forest. Often called a mule ear type Oncidium because of the upright growing fleshy leaf habit. Long lasting blooms are variable in coloration but mainly olive green with purple lavender lips. Seldom seen offered so be sure to not let these orchids pass you by. Currently offered in pots, but will also be offered on mounts. Super Cute.

Bloom Size $30.00 (3 inch pot)


We NEVER recommend using ICE CUBES to water your orchid plant. A balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer diluted to 1/2 recommended strength can be used or we also recommend using our slow release formula featured on our supply page. .



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Seagrove Orchids- 3451 Brower Mill Road,

Seagrove, NC 27341

Orchids in North Carolina, your NC orchid growers.

We are open Friday and Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm, Sunday visits can be made by appointment.


orchidlinda at rtmc.net