Your orchid growers in North Carolina!
Orchids of Seagrove - Ladyslipper Orchid Page
Seagrove Orchids - Linda Thorne- orchidlinda at
We are open Friday and Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm. All other day visits can be arranged by appointment.
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Updated 7/5/2024
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Everything Page includes Angraecums, Bulbophyllums, Dendrobiums
Awarded Division Page -Select Divisions limited divisions are made every few years
Paph Hsinying Alien
(Paph Supersuk x Paph Raisin Pie)
Easy to grow ladyslipper with beautiful mottled foliage. Blooms are produced off each new forming leaf fan. Grow medium shade, slightly moist, and temps above 60 degrees. Some are sending bloom stems up now.11/23 Flower color will be a combination of burgundy, white and speckling. Blooms will vary since these are seed produced. Photo shows previously flowered plant and potential. Bloom Size $30.00
Paphiopedilum Love
(Paph concolor x Paph Sorcerer's Love) Registered in 2020
Be one of the first to have a bloom size near miniature Paph hybrid. Grow in medium light levels and provide year round moisture. Beautifully grown plants. Two inch plastic pot is bloom size. Blooms will vary since these are seed produced. Photo shows previously flowered plant and potential. $30
Paph. ((Makuli x Curtisii)
x Maudiae)) x Maudiae 'Napa Valley
The beautiful albino form of this cross. Blooms will be Granny Smith Apple green and white with varying degrees of green striping. Easy to grow with medium light levels with temps above 60 degrees. Foliage on this cross is mottled and interesting. See example of mottled foliage at lower section of this page. Water thoroughly and allow to become slightly moist prior to watering again. Some are sending up bloom stems now. 11/23 Bloom Size $30
Paph Munchkin Cheeriobed
acmodontum x Paph King Charles)
Near mini Paph breeding. I love the photo of one of the first of the hybrid to bloom. Plants are expertly grown and bloom size. Very nice color combination and shape. Two inch plastic pot is bloom size. Blooms will vary since these are seed produced. Photo shows previously flowered plant and potential. Plant photo shows example of our plant offerings. Largest ones are chosen first for my customers. $30
Paphiopedilum Munchkin
Ojo The Lucky
(Paph Mem Matthew Dewitt x Paphiopedilum delenatii) A sequential
blooming pink and green crossed with the angelic Paph delenatii. Really nice
outcome of the two Paphiopedilum parents. Grow in medium light levels and
provide year round moisture. I am very excited to see if any of these will
have the sequential blooming growth habit of ladyslipper parent Mem Matthew
Dewitt. Near miniature bloom size plants offered in 2 inch pot.
Blooms will vary since
these are seed produced. Photo shows previously flowered plant and potential.$30
Paph Munchkin Mopsi
(Paph Wei-Ling Ting X Paph villosum var boxallii)
I like the way the flowers are held nicely above the perfect foliage. Paphiopedilum villosum makes its presence known throughout the Paphiopedilum growers world. Near bloom size plants are offered in 2 inch plastic pots. Easy to grow with medium light levels and year round moisture. Near bloom size. Blooms will vary since these are seed produced. Photo shows previously flowered plant and potential. $30
Paph Stoned Matthew
(Paph Mem. Matthew P Dewitt X Paph stonei)
Another Fred Allen cross. A multifloral tower crossed to a sequential bloomer with Paph sanderianum in the background. This should produce some outstanding progeny. A few plant offering photos to show quality and size of seed produced plants offered. Blooms will vary since these are seed produced. Photo shows previously flowered plant and potential. $40
Paph venustum
Compact ladyslipper with gorgeous color marking thorughout the flower segments. Paphiopedilum venustum is native to
Phragmipediums & Paphiopedilum Page (Phrags and Paphs)
Paphiopedilum, from Paphos, the birthplace of Aphrodite, and Greek pedilon, slipper. More than 70 species in tropical Asia. Grow usually as terrestrial, but sometimes epiphytic or lithophytic. Plants have no pseudobulbs. They are relatively easy to cultivate. As a general rule, species with mottled leaves, prefer higher temperatures and those with plain solid colored leaves. Also a general rule of thumb is that mottled leaf Paphs also prefer lower like levels than those Paphs with solid green leaves. Plants need water throughout the year, but not allowed to remain wet for long periods of time. A free draining mix is recommended. We use bark, charcoal, perlite, sphagnum, and rocks in combination that holds moisture but does not remain wet for long periods. 'The Pouch Orchid'
of beautiful mottled leaf Paphiopedilums
Solid leaf Paphs
Phragmipedium for Greek phragma, division or partition and pedilon, slipper referring to the slipper shaped lip. More than 200 species in Mexico, Central and South America. In nature they can grow as terrestrial, lithophytic, or sometimes a epiphytic. Phragmipedium from in seepage areas and require more moisture throughout the year than Paphiopedilums They will grow in intermediate conditions with light to moderate shade in a free-draining compost based on bark, spaghnum moss, rocks, perlite, charcoal, or combinations of any of those. Mix ingredient combinations can be many. It is most important for the mix to be free draining. Many growers are successful when Phragmipediums are grown in shallow trays of water. The name Phragmipedium is often shortened to Phrag! One of Linda's favorite orchids to grow. Phragmipediums are easy to grow and rewarding.
Look for Phragmipedium division listing soon! We have purchased a large Phragmipedium collection and they have all been repotted April/May. If you have a special Phragmipedium you are seeking, go ahead and ask before it is added to website or division listing.
Of course we ship
orchids to Alaska, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands
Seagrove Orchids- Linda Thorne
3451 Brower Mill Road,
Seagrove, NC 27341
orchidlinda at
We are open Friday and Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm , Sunday visits can be arranged by appointment.